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Pain Genie Scenar Treatment

The simplest explanation of how the Scenar works was given in a rare interview by one of its founding researchers Alexander Karasev:

SCENAR works by making the body’s own immune system operate more efficiently. Technically it is a very complicated device, which sends electronic impulses via the skin to the brain but it was designed to be used by anybody without any special medical training. You just hold it over the affected area or organ and it sends an amplified signal of pain to the brain. This causes the brain to trigger the body’s immune system, which, after only a few minutes of treatment, the patient starts feeling much better

Scenar therapy stimulates the body to use its own internal pharmacy to cure a state of ‘dis-ease’. When the Pain Genie passes over a ‘painful’ area it sends out a signal to the brain telling it that there is an imbalance, experienced as 'stickiness' on the skin.

The brain constantly monitors the condition of the body so will already know that this imbalance has occurred. As a normal process it would send bio-active compounds to ease the pain and accelerate the healing process.

Scenar technology was developed to "jump-start" the body’s own natural healing response, telling the brain that more of the bodies’ natural medicinal compounds are required to neutralise the pain and heal the injury. Using electro-stimulation on the skin a very sophisticated electronic feedback loop is set up and the nervous system sends a measured dose of neuropeptides, some of the most powerful pain relief agents that the body produces, to the site of pain.  As the Pain Genie is brushed over the area it continuously monitors the changes, sending messages back to the brain so that it is able to adjust the treatment accordingly.

At the start of the treatment the Pain Genie appears to drag over the point of pain feeling ‘sticky’. As healing begins the site may redden or change colour in relation to the surrounding skin and the device may emit a ‘buzzing’ sound as it passes over the point of pain. Once the area undergoes change, either by reduced stickiness, change of skin colour, or a fainter buzzing sound, the treatment is complete.

In minutes the body has delivered sufficient natural chemicals to give powerful pain relief and to speed up the healing process.

Example Treatment Videos




Alison Smithson

I bought the Pain Genie Home Scenar for a painful knee condition. It worked extremely well on the knee but even better was the result I got after falling down t Read More ›


To anyone thinking about Scenar treatment, Over a number of years now my health has deteriorated due to stress related issues. These were brought on by living i Read More ›


I suffered from very painful RSI for years as a result of computer work. I had some Pain Genie Scenar treatments and now am pain free. Nothing else had the same Read More ›


Following neurological damage to the face and neck after dental work I had tried most things to calm down the various nerve and muscle pains I was experiencing; Read More ›

Derek Moore

Attending my usual weekly pilates class at the local gym the teacher Pam was struggling herself raising her leg in one of the stretching exercises. At the end o Read More ›

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